Sobre nosotros
Thriving Schools Fund
We are making a difference in three schools within Redwood City's bayside community. To tackle the inequalities within the Redwood City School District and improve student outcomes, RCEF allocates resources to the most under-resourced schools that lack Parent Teacher Organizations to support essential programs.
The Thriving Schools Fund is influenced by the input and suggestions of school leadership and parents we serve to better respond to the needs of students, schools, families, and the larger community.
With your help, we will provide Hoover, Garfield, and Taft with over $200,000 in funding per school in the 2024-25 academic year.
Programmatic Breakdown
Community Schools
K – 8th Grade Students
Unique Programs
Average Spend
per Student
From families earning ≤ $42k per year
English Language Learners