Make a Change
Everyone has a role in helping our community thrive. Together, we can support our public schools so our youngest can reach their potential. RCEF raises funds and coordinates resources for underserved students and schools in the Redwood City School District, relying on the generosity of our community through volunteerism, donations, and partnerships.
Otras formas de donar
How does RCEF’s funding cycle work?RCEF establishes the program goal at the beginning of the school year and raises towards that goal throughout that year. Once the funds are raised, RCEF commits funds to the grantees and disburses in the following fiscal year for programs in the 2022-2023 school year.
¿Cómo seleccionó RCEF estos programas?A competitive Request For Application process was used to source grant proposals. Grants have been included in the goal based on advancing critical metrics identified in our Theory of Change.
Why is RCEF not funding other schools in the District?RCEF focuses on serving underserved students. We are beginning our work with the three schools with the highest percentage of low-income students. As RCEF continues to grow its resources, we will consider funding additional schools. This matter is being considered as part of RCEF’s current strategic planning process.
Can I volunteer?While in-person volunteers are not allowed on school sites due to COVID-19 restrictions, RCEF will have volunteer opportunities available. Additionally, RCEF has several board committees that members of the community are welcome to serve. If you are interested in either of these volunteer roles, please contact RCEF.
Summary of CampaignYou can download a summary of our Annual Fund here.
Cumpla con su responsabilidad corporativa aprovechando los programas de RCEF y patrocinando nuestros eventos especiales.
El programa "Giving Partner" de RCEF proporciona un medio para que las empresas contribuyan a nuestra comunidad y sus escuelas de una manera significativa y duradera a través de oportunidades de reconocimiento únicas que llegan a los padres de más de 6,500 estudiantes. Revise los beneficios de nuestra asociación.
Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Florence Ortiz en fortiz@rcef.org.